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Intuitional Review Committee (IRC)


Nobel College values and promotes its role to strengthen quality education through quality research and academic excellence. It is committed to ensuring that research conducted within the institute’s jurisdiction meets the highest scientific, ethical, and legal standards. The review process of the Nobel College is to ensure that Biomedical/ health research conducted at Nobel umbrella aspires the contemporary notion of scientific validity and ethically sound. The Nepal health Research Council (NHRC) regulation stipulates that an institutional research review committee is required to approve the disclosure of all health related information for research purposes. The IRC reviews the research projects and retain responsibility for ensuring higher ethical standard that comply with current legislation in place.


The Management Board of the Institute vests the IRC with the authority to approve, reject, propose modifications to, or terminate all proposed or ongoing research involving or not involving humans within the institution’s jurisdiction on grounds of non-compliance with current legislation, ethics guidelines, or resource feasibility considerations.

Research Policy

  1. The review and conduct of research at Nobel College will comply with the guidelines, standards, and regulations of the NHRC and other Nepal government regulations.
  2. Ethical review is required for all research involving or not involving human subjects and encompasses both basic and applied research across varied disciplines (Bio-Medical, Public health, Nursing, Laboratory and other allied health sciences discipline)
  3. It is the role of the Intuitional Review Committee (IRC) to ensure that all research projects conducted within the jurisdiction of the institution have undergone the appropriate review processes.


All activities requiring IRC review are administered through the Intuitional Review Committee (IRC) Office. The office of IRC is situated at the Campus building.

Institutional Review Committee Members
1. Dr. Baburam Marasini (Chairperson)
2. Mr. Min Bahadur Kunwar (Member Secretary)
3. Ms. Puspa Kumari Deo (Member)
4. Prof. Nirmal Duwadi (Member)
5. Mr. Niroj Man Amatya (Member)
6. Mr. Suraj Shakya (Member)
7. Mr. Prachand Man Singh Rajbhandari (Member)
8. Mr. Bal Krishna Bhatta (Member)
9. Ms. Raksha Rimal (Member)
10. Mr. Bimal Kunwar (Member)
11. Mr. Krishna Prasad Paneru (Member)