Aspire Nobel Excellence

Nobel College Sinamangal, Kathmandu

© Copyright 2024

Admission Procedure

 I am grateful for the invaluable experience and knowledge I have gained at Nobel College, and I highly recommend it to anyone aspiring to excel in the field of IT.

Saurav Jung Kunwar

I Strongly recommend the Nobel College for its commitment to quality education and holistic development.

Naran Neupane
Get in touch !!

Nobel College follows a systematic admission process to ensure the selection of qualified candidates. The process begins when the Admission Committee announces applications for entrance examinations. Candidates must meet specific eligibility criteria - bachelor's programs require completion of 10+2 or PCL, while master's programs need a bachelor's degree in relevant subjects. All eligible candidates must take a comprehensive entrance examination covering quantitative ability, verbal skills, logical reasoning, general awareness, and computer knowledge through multiple-choice questions. Following the exam, the university publishes a merit list of successful candidates on its website and proceeds with spot admission for qualified students based on merit ranking. During the entrance examination, candidates should arrive 15 minutes early and can only bring simple calculators. Scientific calculators, smartphones, cameras, and other electronic devices are strictly prohibited. The university maintains strict examination protocols - no written materials are allowed in the exam hall, and any misconduct may result in immediate disqualification. This rigorous admission process ensures that only the most qualified and committed students join Pokhara University's academic programs.
