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HOD (Health Science)'s Message

Dear parents and prospective students, as you read this prospectus of Nobel family, you will know about our commitment towards building better society through world class education and building cadre of intelligent citizens of, not only Nepal but of the world.

As a principal of Faculty of Health Science I have few messages to the parents: our Faculty of Health Science is dedicated to prepare future leaders who have outstanding knowledge and wisdom to solve health related problems of general people as well as the problems faced by health systems of developing country like Nepal.

To achieve this end we extensively train and coach our students not only through the course materials but also through early on research skills. Like a famous quote by Malcolm we provide our students the education which will be the passport to the future as tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.

My message to the prospective students is, like Nelson Mandela once said, the most powerful weapon is education which you can use to change the world, and here at Nobel, you will be well equipped with knowledge and wisdom to solve problems of the world.

Ramchandra Sinha
Director (Health Science )
